December 1, 2024

Dear Members of Huntington Harbour Yacht Club,

It’s hard to believe the holiday season is upon us and the new year is around the corner. You should be receiving the annual membership dues renewal in the mail shortly. 

We would like to remind everyone that the Flag and Board of Directors approved of a modest 10% increase in annual membership dues, as discussed at the annual general meeting on September 22, 2024. 

We also discussed the launch of quarterly minimums, effective January 1, 2025. The quarterly minimum for a single membership is $120 or $40/month, and $180 or $60/month for a family membership. 

This includes all food and beverage purchases and club events (excluding tax and tip). It does not apply to ship store purchases.

These adjustments are necessary not only to maintain and enhance the quality of services we provide, but also to encourage member participation in club events and weekly activities in the Commodore’s Lounge.

Commodore Steve Parsons would like to send a special thanks to everyone that attended this year’s Commodore’s Ball at the Queen Mary. We had so much fun! Please let Steve know if any of you experienced any paranormal activity like he did… 

Also, book your trip to the 2025 Commodore Cruise to Alaska now while the rates are discounted. July 26th-August 2nd contact Jennifer Parsons for more info:

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact any one of the Flag Officers.

We thank you for your continued support and look forward to an amazing 2025, which will be the 60th anniversary of Huntington Harbour Yacht Club!


HHYC Flag Officers

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